Sunday, August 25, 2013


          As a freshmen last year I was one of those people who is extremely competitive and wanted to win, freshmen never win. I was disappointed after the first rally because I knew that most people in my class didn't know what they were doing and that's why we should be embarrassed of how we preformed the first rally. The year progressed, we all became closer as a class and with that we gained class spirit. The next few rallies we got our act together and beat the sophomores the rest of the year. The senior rally was the best for our class, not only beating the sophomores but the seniors too.
       Now that sophomore year has come most of my class came ready to win. During lunch before the welcome back rally, I was talking to Mr. Douglas about how badly I wanted to put a stop to the senior's cockiness. He told me that its up to our class because the juniors won't put up a fight and the spirit of each class seems to skip a generation (2010, 2012, 2014, 2016). I thought we would come in third but as soon as we started our first chant I felt it, it's our fight and our chance to win. The mistake  of misreading the point total during the first game pumped the sophomore class up. They fixed it, but the freshmen class won that game. When we chanted as a class; super sophomore, we can't here you and welcome freshmen our stands shook and blared the other class out of the gym. But the rest of our chants were weak half of us were chanting a different cheer then the other and we don't know how to be quite. By the end of the rally we preformed poorly during most of the games but once the boxes of balloons came out the gym fell silent. We gave an applause for the freshmen in last but we roared when we heard the juniors came in second knowing that there is a glimmer of hope that we may finaly silence the seniors. I wasn't watching our box while Thompson was speaking. I was watching the senior's box and saw their reaction when purple balloons floated to the ceiling. I was crushed. My heart dropped a little bit. I, one of the most spirited people in my class, lost hope. But what made me smile was seeing Sean Gruber, Noah Young and other guys in the sophomore class holding two fingers in the air, happy for second but read to take first next rally. Seniors we are coming for you.