Sunday, August 25, 2013

First Week

Gosh, it's already Sunday night and tomorrow starts the second week of school. I don't know whether to be happy about it going both slow and fast, or sad that it's going both slow and fast. I know that this year will probably be the fastest of them all for me but still!!! Anyway:
1. Won the rally!! (WOO WOO SENIORS!)
2. I forget how fun the dances were (at times)
3. I forgot how sore I was AFTER dancing the night away with friends (saturday morning isn't supposed to be filled with pain and soreness!!!)
4. I suppose this happened before school started but I'm adding it to the list anyhow because I can!- Got reconnected to a really good friend of mine
5. Spent all day Saturday watching Disney on ABC Family and thinking about stories for the Flash.

How did your first week back go? Is anyone excited to be back, or does anyone wish it was still summer?


Sabrina W said...

I wish it was still summer

Rhiannon said...

Next summer is going to be amazing! I really hope this year goes by quickly!