Sunday, August 11, 2013

Colleges, Disney, Car Rides, Last Week before school starts

Man that title says everything huh? Let's see:
Colleges: I just visited about 6 colleges this past week and already I can hear my brain yelling in a confused voice "which one will you be attending? Which one will you be applying for? How much did you like the one with all white buildings to the one with a prettier campus?!?" (yes, my brain is quite tired from having to think and yell at itself.....)

Disney: My reward for visiting 6 colleges at the end of the trip. Let's just say that I could spend my entire life in Downtown Disney and never be fully done experiencing/shopping.

Car rides: Okay, so I'm fine with them... it's just having a three hour car ride (or 1 hour at max) everyday is not the best thing in the world, in my perspective. Plus a seven hour drive back home... aren't car rides just the best thing in the world? (eh heh..heh....)

Last week before school starts: Do a review on a school book, go see Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (HOLY COW YES IT'S FINALLY OUT AND I'M JUST SO HAPPY), go to a meeting, use my house as a gathering place for some peeps, get my schedule (I'm actually really excited!), and then silently chant that this year will be okay if I just focus on one thing at a time.

Yep, this is gonna be a fun week/year! Now I'm off to bed before I start to ramble on and on and on. There's nothing worse than a tired Liz who rambles without a meaning to actually ramble.

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