Monday, August 19, 2013

I'm sure hoping..

Hey Everyone. It's been a while...too long. School starts tomorrow! ...How are you all feeling about this? I have mixed feelings. I'm bummed out because, ya know, summer is technically over once the 'dreaded' school session begins. Oh well. But then again, I'm excited for yet another new year, meeting new friends, new classes, and getting back into the groove and routine of things. I survive better with routines. Is anyone else like that? I'm kind of the weird one because all summer long, I think I actually knew what day it was... most of the time. Anyway though, this is kind of a Prologue to my summer adventures that I'm about to describe. Hope you enjoy, whoever reads this.
Also, I'm sure hoping that I don't get in trouble for blogging so late...
*begs on knees for mercy*
ok bye now.

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