Thursday, August 29, 2013

Morning Runs

So it's 4:48 AM right now and I am awake because in exactly one hour I have to be at the school to run four miles,,,, my coach is a lunatic. Now why am I up an hour early you ask? That is because mornings are MY time! I have practice until 5 and then I clock into work at six and get off at 10. I come home, you know shower and whatever but quite frankly at that point I am beat an save most of my additional studying for the morning. Well now my coach has decided that we are going to meet as a team a twice a week for morning runs, totally throwing off my schedule. Also keep in mind this is in addition to the 7 miles I have after school. I'm trying to study for AP chem right now... I need a new system.

1 comment:

/ said...

Knorzer is crazy for making you guys run that early in the morning. How do you even survive in the day?! Mad respect for you guys....