Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Speaking Gibberish

So this morning a couple friends of mine were debating each other what color nailpolish a friend of mine had used. Out of nowhere, one of them said, "Are you Deaf? Can't you tell that that color is blah blah?? You must be colorblind!"

It took less than 30 seconds for the whole group to realize what the friend had said what they said and we burst out laughing. But being early in the morning, we excused the absence of using the brain and let it go.

But then around lunch time, we had another discussion on how a friend of mine always writes in cursive and it is hard to tell what they write. One of my friends said, "man, I can't even hear what your writing!" This just goes to show that no matter what time of day it is, we must never underestimate the idea of our brains never waking up in the first place!

Sorry if you didn't find any of this amusing, it was one of those, "you had to be there" moments and I thought I would just share with you the small part of my day that made me happy I was back at school.


Brittany Hallam said...

Entertaining to read, well writen, I liked it.

Taylor Schoultz said...

That is pretty funny. It's fun to read about wierd experiences like that.

emccrary said...

I totally found that funny!! Probably because things like that happen to me all the time. Hahaha! :D

Unknown said...

Thats so Funny! But i knew what they meant:)I feel like that in the morning! Especially mondays! I LOVE those moments!

Rhiannon said...

That would just make my day.