Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Today is my cousin's birthday. Though, because he lives in India, he actually turned 17 yesterday. And I didn't remember to call him yesterday to wish him a happy birthday. I tried to call him this morning but I was too late, he had already fallen asleep. This detachment has actually caused me to not really know my own immediate family. I hate how this distance keeps me from spending time with them. I dont know what their favorite food is, what their favorite subject in school is, what they like to do in their spare time. I really wish my family lived closer to me. I am always listening to kids around me talking about how they spent the holidays with their relatives or they went to the movies with their cousins. I get jealous at times how easily people get to have memories with family. Facebook and Skype are marvellous things but like a phone conversation you need to catch the person at the right time. People say that the internet has made the world a smaller place but I think I have to disagree. It'll take more than computer technology to bring people together.


Rhiannon said...

I agree with that! My family all live in England and Wales (where my parents are from) and I have to listen to my friends talking about how they spent holidays with their grandparents, and I realize that I don't know anyone at all. I'm friends with them on facebook and everything, but it's still not the same.

RHS Flash said...

Such an interesting take. I think it must be hard to be so far away.