Wednesday, January 11, 2012

APUSH Stress

This blog entry is sincerely dedicated to my beloved friend who is stressing out to the max! Miss Christy Sharkey... oh Christy, Christy, Christy.

So we have this APUSH test next period and we are stressing stressing stressing. You could feel Christy's tension from a mile away! The study guide we are given is quite informative BUT it takes a load of time to do! Yesterday I stayed up till one just finishing it. And I'm not even done yet. All these definitions and essays and fill in blanks! So much work and so little time! We become consumed by the study guide and worry about finishing it and lose sight of how we actually have to TAKE A TEST today...

Am I ready? No, not really. Am I freaking out? Yes, just slightly.

To Christy, I say, girl, you will do fine. You just need to take ... deep breaths! In and out... in and out... STAY CALM! or at least try :)

1 comment:

Amber C said...

You got this. I am confident that you did well. I have it tomorrow and I am flipping out! :/