Sunday, January 8, 2012

Gotta love the Classics

I love watching classic movies. Singin' in the Rain, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Wizard of Oz, Sabrina, Roman Holiday, Shop Around the Corner, Little Women, and The Major and the Minor are a few of my many favorites. Based on my list it is pretty obvious to see that I am drawn to romcoms. The cheesier and sappier they are, the more I like them. This is why I am able to sit through 3 hour long (on average) Bollywood movies (that are really musicals) that sometimes are to the very scene and dialogue copies of some of Hollywood best movies. To some this may seem like a nightmare but for me it was a fun way to pass time during break. I enjoyed some of my favorites like Sholay, a sort of curry western (as IMDb called it) movie that was so popular that it lasted for several years in India's movie theaters, Guddi, a movie about how a starstruck girl is shown the realities of what happens behind the scenes of movie sets and thus grows to be a mature young adult, and Uphaar, a movie about a girl who is married into a wealthy family and is disliked because of her lack of knowledge in household chores. I find myself drawn to classic movies because I like how meaningful they are. Under the layers of cheesy dialogue and sappy romance there are some stories that just jump out at me and earn my liking and for me that is a classic.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

Old movies are the best!