Monday, January 9, 2012

Missing Break

Oh, I already miss the days over break where you get to sleep in until 10 or even later because you remember, "Why get up? You have no school!".

But, sadly, this morning, I couldn't say that to my subconcious because, oh yeah, we do happen to have school at 745 in the early morning. Why, oh why!!

It's not healthy I tell you! And yes, some may tell me to stop complaining or tell me it's for your own benefit but honestly, I just want to sleep in. Sleep in until I feel like getting up. If society worked like that we would all be happy dandy people living in a not so fast-paced world and getting to actually smell the roses, persay. Our stress levels would be lowered, significantly. Our happiness would increase. And we would all hold hands and sing kum by yah! Yeah yeah, I know. A quite naive mindset. Whatever...

1 comment:

Melanie said...

YES! But then we would all get lazy and nothing would get done