Saturday, January 28, 2012

Procrastination and Being Lazy

Haha. I seriously am spending my weekend sitting here and thinking about things I could be doing. Lately, as I've written, I've been very stressed out. February is going to be hell month for me, so I'm trying to stock up on relaxation now and not do anything except for what needs to be done....Except....

I really could be doing something right now.

I have six speeches I should be practicing.

But then I'd have to get up....

Pointless meandering thoughts over getting up and doing something, and how that would benefit me, but then how that would probably stress me out and how I don't need to do it right now......

Definitely a lazy day. I guess I'm not going to get up. Screw speeches.

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

I always just escape into a good book. War by Sebastian Junger... intense, detailed, rich with great writing. And scary.