Thursday, January 5, 2012

Permit Issues

Today is the day that I was supposed to get my liscense. It was set up perfectly, yesterday I was supposed to have my last Allstars driving lessong and today (my 16th birthday!) I was going to go to the DMV at one to take the test. Well, this all went downhill yesterday at 8 o'clock when my driver instructor showed up.

It started off like a normal lesson, I handed him my permit and I was walking out the door when Jeff (the instructor) said, "this isn't your permit". What do you mean it's not my permit? I've been driving with it for the past 2 weeks, of course it's my permit. Well, as it turns out it definitely was not my permit. No, actually for the past couple weeks I had been carrying around the car registration, thinking it was my permit. In my defense, the two papers look extremely similiar! They are both two pages, the same size, and have t he DMV symbol on them... oops.

So, I spent the next 15 min. frantically searching for my actual permit. I knew that the last time I for sure had it was when I drove to San Francisco... in the car that my dad had decided to take to work that day. After we had looked everywhere we could think of, Jeff left and Mom and I drove over to my dad's work. The permit was right on the center console.

I am now 30 min. late for my lesson and Allstars said I will have to reschedule and pay a cancellation fee. Their next available appointment was not until Saturday therefore my DMV appointment to get my liscense is on Monday, the day we get back from winter break. Oh joy.

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