Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fire Drill and a Taco Box

So, plus period to lunch today was interesting. It was middle of plus, almost lunch when the beeping occurred. At first I thought it was some sort of test that the sound system was going through- "maybe they were finally fixing the intercom system- it sounds like charlie brown's adults at times". But no, it was a fire drill that caught every student off guard, unsure of where they should head off to. Even after the drill stopped and we were allowed to go back to lunch, I still didn't know what had caused this- and yes, I am still curious as to know if it was as simple as something burning in the kitchen to who knows what. But it was after everything calmed down that became weird; a student had gone into the middle of the amphitheater and put the "Taco 12 Box" on the grass. Everyone in the amphitheater stared at it as though it was going to explode. At last someone got brave enough to go out and get the box, which of course had let their hopes down because it was empty. That is what I call and interesting lunch period. (Not that any other lunch wasn't as interesting, but this one was not as much as entertaining as it was bizarre).

1 comment:

Devin M. said...

Yea that's a great lunch...the one day i miss!