Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I just dont understand why people are so mean. Everyday I have to deal with someone just being rude, I dont know why half the time. It might be because theyre in a "bad mood," or they're having a bad day, or whatever. Either way I think those are all excuses, there is no reason to take out your problems on other people for no apparent reason. I understand what it's like to have a bad day, everyone does, but I always try my best to still be kind to other people because its not their fault I'm having a bad day.

Sometimes I think its something else deep down going on that makes people act the way they do, constanly just being mean to people. There has to be something else going on with them to make them always be short with others, always talk bad about others, and just have a bad attitude. It also drives me crazy when people dont mind their own business and are always talking about other peoples business that they werent even supposed to know in the first place. It just makes them seem like they have nothing better to do than always gossip about other people. Using Devins quote which I love,(*Warning dont read if you get offended by swearing*) "Mind your own damn business, and shut the hell up before I slap a hoe" I just think Devin knows exactly whats he's talking about haha. Anyway people just try to be nice and mind your own business and the world will be a much nicer place!


Bailey Pool said...

Amen to that! I wonder too why we all have to mean to each other time and excuses don't help.

Shelby Boyajan said...

I also don't know why people are so mean, being a freshman and all, Seniors or any other people for that matter think just because they are a little older they can put other people down. I experienced this today in the library for no apparent reason.

Ian Farran said...

yes we are.

arianna403 said...

Sometime People can mean because there afraid and don't what to trust people anymore and sometime mean people has a lot of drama and Sadness in there life so underneath there a lot like us :D