Wednesday, January 11, 2012


It's creeping up on us....the night that almost every Junior girl has been waiting for their entire high school career so far. Junior Prom. If you think the madness and stress for Homecoming is bad, I guarantee that this will be ten times worse! All over Twitter and Facebook girls are already talking about which dresses they are going to get and who they are going to go with. Slowly, I feel the panic starting to set in. I am not good at handling these types of things.

Luckily, I already know which dress I want. I found it online so I knew that no other girl would have it. It's relieving know I already have that part out of the way, now I just need to convince my mom to buy it for me :( It's pretty pricey. Being $300, she said she might pay for half of it but she would have to think about it. If she decides not to, I might just have to pay for the entire thing myself. That's how much I love it!

Even once I solve the dress dillema, it's not over. There is still the flowers, the shoes, the jewelry, the limo, the restaurant , and the most stressful part of all....the date. Oh geez, I don't even want to think about not getting a date. Just the thought of it makes me want to cry. If worse comes to worse, I guess I can always bring my cousin.


RHS Flash said...

Oh, what a grand time you will have.

Rverma said...

It's weird how much girls stress about this compared with guys. Us dudes have to figure out how/who to ask.