Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The name's Bond. James Bond.

I really like watching movies. I'm not sure if I made that clear in my earlier post about classic movies but I thought I should just make make an official statement anyways. The fictional worlds that exist on the big screen really fascinate me. It is interesting to see what began as a figment of someone's imagination become projected on such a large scale that people everywhere can experience it.
I usually have conflicting views on books being made into movies (they really should be kept in their own separate realms) but the double-oh-seven chronicles are one of the very few exceptions. The adventures of smooth-talking, British agent James Bond are a few that I have grown to like. He is depicted to have impeccable style and seems to always have the most amazingly cool cars. I don't claim to be much of a car wiz, but I cant help but admire the unique cars that star alongside the special agent.
Recently, yahoo posted a collection of pictures that showcased the 50 years of James Bond cars. My favorite picks had to be the silver Aston Martin DB5 (both the older and newer styles) and the quirky, orange Thunderbird. I did a bit of side research and found that Aston Martin used in the more recent Bond movies cost about $235k each and there were a total of 6 identical Aston Martins used in the movies! And look at how casually they treated the cars!

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

Interesting angle on Bond. New one coming out.