Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Rules of the Road

On Monday I finally got my liscense! I was so excited! I was shaking with nervous energy before the test and even in the car I felt like hyperventalating, I tend to over-analyze situations. Anyways I passed however I found out that it is not even legal to drive your siblings around. I knew it was not aloud to bring friends but I mean family? Come on now.

While it is a fact that most teenagers do not follow this rule, I still find it ridiculous. It makes sense for maybe 6 months for driving others to be illegal, but an entire year? If you are at such a high risk of crashing that the DMV wants you to go a year without risking anybody's life, you probably should not have gotten your liscense in the first place.


Amber C said...

Ohmigosh!!!! I'm so proud of you! :) Yay freedom!!!

Mason said...

It really is ridiculous! Congrats!!

RHS Flash said...

Good for you. That said, remember all limits on driving are based on statistics/facts and driven by the insurance industry. It doesn't always seem fair, but I guarentee you it's based on numbers... not opinions.