Thursday, March 1, 2012

Apple Co. Worth More Than Poland!?

I was skimming through Yahoo! articles this morning and I came upon this. I just can't understand! One single company is worth more than an entire country. In the article, stats show that Apple is worth more than most of the GDP in other countries as well. Apple is currently worth 500 billion dollars. Let me repeat that. 500 billion dollars. And they are not done there people. This company keeps pushing and pushing for 1 trillion net worth.

What can this foreshadow? An apple takeover?? A little extreme but one can only imagine how much influence and power this one singular company has with that kind of money. And another question arises. What do they do with the money?? They sure as heck do not do much philanthropy work (RIP Steve Jobs) so what do they do with it? Collect it until their greedy apetites are satisfied?? I guess so.

They could literally buy Poland for their own with 500 billion dollars in their pockets. Ayaya. Too crazy to even comprehend.

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

Waht a world, waht a world (such a good post(