Friday, March 9, 2012

Come on people!! PICK. UP. YOUR. TRASH!!!!

So the other day, I was heading off campus during lunch time. As I was walking, I noticed a group of underclassmen who were having lunch on one of the lawns. They were all standing up mingling with one another with trash lying all over the ground right by their feet. I was really hoping to see one of them pick it up, but instead, I saw them kicking it around or stepping right over it. That made me so mad!! I am very passionate when it comes to cleaning up after yourself, so I had to say something...

Me: Excuse me. Are you going to pick that up?
Person1: I don't know. Maybe.
Me: REally!?? Really... Real mature guys!!! (pick up trash for them, dramatically stomp towards garbage can and throw it away.)
Person2: Oh my God, what is her problem??
Person1: You know, it wasn't even mine!
Me: Doesn't matter. It was right by your feet!!

Ok so I should have been nicer. But WTF. Seriously?? It's probably the easiest thing to do. Throw away your trash after you're done with it. We learned that in pre-school. And it's not just underclassmen. It's upperclassmen too. I just don't understand what makes someone think it's ok to leave their trash out. Because it's not. It is just NOT ok. Enough said.

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

You can use my line... I'm not your Mom, this isn't your room...