Sunday, March 18, 2012

want to buy some beverages?

I hate fundraising.

I just think it's so unseemly to ask people to fund my sport by buying something that they don't want. Have a carwash if you must, or give people something that they actually want/need. Nobody wanted the frozen pizza we sold for the last two years and it was too expensive for a single donation anyway. This year, I must say, we have a better product; it's less expensive and different: drinks. But, honestly, who do we have left to ask? Everyone in this school fundraises at the same time. All of the community parents are buying their own children's product. Plus there's the fact that if you ask someone to buy your product and they accept, you have basically promised them "at some point in the future, I will buy a product from you of equal or greater value". The worst part is the fact that the school barely gets any money from the products that we sell. Last year, I calculated what the track program received from every $25 box of pizza that we sold, and it was less than half of the cost. In my mind, it makes much more sense to just give a straight donation to the program (which I did). It got me out of awkwardly entering a mutual fundraising pact with my friends and ended up giving the program more money in the long run (If I sold $50 of pizza, the team would have received only a fraction of the money, instead of all of it, no strings attached). I completely understand the need for money for our programs and having the athletes play a role is very important. But there are better ways than selling pizza.

On that note, anybody want to buy some beverages?

(as it doesn't translate well, that was sarcasm; don't worry, not shilling the drinks here)