Tuesday, February 28, 2012

AP World History Video

I expected it to be the "funny" type of video- the kind that makes small, unfunny jokes that make the video quite unbearable to watch because of how extreme the history is. But this video was different. It was about the assassination of an Austria-Hungarian "Prince". The assassins were apart of this group called "The Black Hand"- or something like that. Anyway, the group was ready to kill the "Prince" when the first guy with a hand grenade threw it at the prince- only to remember that it has a 10-second detonation rule. (It didn't even explode near the carriage the prince was in). So the guy swallowed his 'poison' and jumped into a river to die and not be caught. Only the poison was a couple ears old- so it didn't work- and the river was 4 inches deep. (so he got caught). The rest of the group was too stunned to believe what had just happened so they didn't try to kill the prince, but later on the leader decided it was too much stress for him and he went to go get a sandwich.
This video definitely made my day, whether it was because of the guy who thought he could drown himself in a 4 inch river, or the guy that decided to get a sandwich to relieve stress after trying to assassinate someone.


Brit said...

I felt so immature. I was laughing so hard I was crying. This is the best video of the year.

Amber C said...

Ohmigosh I remember this video!!! It was so funny

RHS Flash said...

Sounds like the Keystone Cops