Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Hunger Games

I'm obsessed.
If you know me well, you will know that I'm obsessed with Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, and elephants. The elephants part is irrelevant to what I'm talking about right now. With the Hunger Games premiere a few weeks away, I seriously can't think about anything else. I jump up and down whenever someone mentions anything to do with the subject.
Since the Harry Potter series ended (a moment of silence for our loss) I'm absolutely ecstatic that they are making movies of another favorite series of mine.

Team Gale. Just Saying.


RHS Flash said...

Oh, no. Not teams again!

Yasmine_B said...

Team Peeeeta all the way. Haaaaaa it's an excellent series to make movies of. Drama, violence, romance, it's got it all. So exciiiited.