Thursday, March 1, 2012

Maddie's Wisdom Teeth (Or lack there of)

At first, it doesn't even sound appealing. Getting your wisdom teeth pulled. But it must be done to save that straight smile we all so cherish. And so, over break, my good friend, Maddie Lowell, got hers out last Wednesday.

Now you go through quite a process. Lowell started with laughing gas. Though it really doesn't make you laugh. Just a little tingly in the fingers. Then came the anesthesia to remain unconcious throughout the painful process. After, the novacaine to numb the pain. And then you got the good old IV drip.

All of this is just prep work because THEN comes the actual taking out of those precious wisdoms. Not quite precious anymore.

For Maddie, the pain after the surgery was unbearable. Even with the ice cream I provided (double chocolate fudge brownie), nothing seemed to suffice until a "clove" was inserted. Now many people react differently to the surgery. For Amber, it was easy and fast recovery. For Lowell it was a little more painful but necessary. For you, who knows what could happen!


Franchesca said...

I have to get my wisdom teeth out soon, I'm nervous!

RHS Flash said...

Really well written. Love this as a change of pace.