Thursday, March 1, 2012

Worst Race Ever

Yesterday was the blue silver meet for track and it was miserable! Well, for me at least. The threat of rain had been looming over us all week and I thought it was going to be cancelled. That morning it was pouring buckets and I really did think Eckman was going to decide it was not going to happen. As a distance runner, my coach would have made me run anyways, but it would have only been a mile time trial and I would've been home by 4:30. But no, mother nature decided to laugh in my face and make it sunny out just in time to run after it had been gross and cloudy ALL DAY. Plus, it was still freezing out, it was like a tease because it was perfectly sunny but the wind made it freezing.

Anyways, the weather was the least of my worries. I ran the worst track meet of my life yestserday. It was not like a bad race where you finish and you know you could have done better but it still was not a horrific race. No, this race was horrifying. I ran the slowest mile of my life and increased my 800 time by 24 yes 24 seconds since last year. The sad part it I was going as fast as I could. Usually I have a good kick at the end of a race, but no not yesterday. Ugh it makes me cringe just to think about it.

So basically, my self esteem is pretty darn low right now after that meet. I know I have it in me to be back where I should but my body just does'nt want to cooperate! GGGGRRRR. If I do not improve soon I do not know what I am going to do with myself.


Brit said...

yeah i got curbstomped by that race yesterday

RHS Flash said...

Love the writing, understand the frustration. You'll get there.