Thursday, March 15, 2012

Growing up is lonely...

Growing up is lonely.
Combine growing up and being an only child and it is even more lonely.
I am always by myself. I drive to work by myself and then I work by myself. I drive to the gym by myself and then I workout by myself. I eat by myself. I shop and run errands by myself. I drink tea by myself... Not fun. 90% of my life conists of being by myself and feeling lonely. Sure, I like a little alone time - the kind of time I spend reading a book or playing the piano, but too much is not healthy.

I currently have no social life. Five days a week, I go to school, go to the gym, do homework and then sleep. Then my weekends consist of work, homework, and college stuff. That's it. That's my life. That's all I have time for and I don't have enough energy to do much else. I'm starting to go mad. I feel so alone. I feel like I'm drifting apart from people. It makes me want college to come even faster and I sadly admit, it makes even more desperate for a boyfriend. Heh. Heh... Yeah.



Amber C said...

Ahh don't worry. All the hard work you've been putting into will pay off!! And college is almost here, you'll always be with people there! :)

Devina said...

I'll be your sister!:)