Monday, March 19, 2012

Drinks Created the World

This essay is taking me years to finish! I cannot concentrate and even when I am 100% focused the book is still long, endless, and often times I feel, pointless! For AP world, we have to read a book entitled History of the World in 6 Glasses. Basically this dude thinks that the world is the way it is because of what we drink. Some of his points make sense, like for example, the Boston Tea Party definitely aided in the American Revolution, that one is pretty black and white. But then he continues to go on and on about how the french revolution was caused by coffee and how the opium wars were all because the British wanted some tea. Let's not get crazy here, I'm pretty sure the French started a revolution because they were ruled by power hungry nobles but maybe that's just me. How the author words it actually makes a lot of sense, I just happen to think this dude is a bit of a crack pot, and maybe slightly alcoholic due to his insecent opinions that alcohol shaped the world.


Amber C said...

oh AP World, I remember those days. Just wait until AP US :) hahaha

RHS Flash said...

I loved that book, and that article... nerd, I know.