Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Racist People

Lately, there has been one girl in particular that has continually irked me. I cannot post her name, but I really wish I could. Her comments about Asians just make me want to slap her. I'm not a vicious person, but I'm sure any person would have the passionate hatred that I have if they heard of the horrible comments made.

This all started a couple of weeks ago when the club that I am in had a get-together at Mels, which I couldn't attend. Since we are all really close, we feel like a family. And being a family means that we all know what is going on with each other. The next day I heard of fun times, moments of laughter, and also, racism.

My first thought was "Oh Jesus, who could it be?" because last year, there was no problems. I soon found out that it was a new member. And I'm sitting there, in shock, thinking "REALLY? Your first impression to the team is that you have to make comments about Asians?!" I mean, I understand that yes, there are quite a few of us Asian people on the team, but that does not mean that she has to go and rant about how we all look the same, and that we could be replaced.

Seriously, a high school student should act more appropriately, and what's worse is that she said this TO an Asian. Ugh, why do people have to say these things? It's not going to make her experience in the club fun at all. I'm not saying that I'll ruin her days, but I will absolutely not tolerate that sort of crap, especially if that was said to me. She has two options though: get out or shut up.


Sabrina W said...

that's very depressing julie, but how you talk about it is funny and relateable

Amanda said...

My comment is on the blog above.