Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I hate the doctor with a passion, nothing against doctors themselves most of them are nice people, however they always giveme bad news. The waiting room is awkward and full of outdated parenting magaizines and it is quiet. Silent almost, except for the occassional screaming child. Plus they give you forms to fill out; the same forms everytime you go. No, my anwers to these generic questions have not changed since the five months you last asked me. Then they procede to give cookie-cutter information.

"Oh youre leg hurts? Then you should rest and ice." I know, I know, that's the same information you've been giving me for the past five months. Care to give me more useful information, like maybe what is actually wrong with it? You went through years of medical school and all you cant tell me is rest and ice? Well, after months of pain they finally decide it is okay to give me a bone scan,the result? A stress fracture, right at the beginning of my cross country season. Thank you doctor for delaying my treatment for five months, you have been very helpful.

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