Monday, September 26, 2011

Cat Has Dogness Within

Okay, so I got my kitty when she was 6 months old. She had the appearance of a cute kitten, but come play time, it was like she had some part of a dog in her. In her early years, for exercise, we would throw her toy down the hall and make her run for it and attack it; and no matter how many times we showed her what to do, she would always run down the hall, get to the toy and bring it back in her mouth like a dog!!!! Strange huh?
Yeah, we thought so too. And we would always throw it down the hall for her to run and attack, yet she always kept coming back with it in her mouth and acted as though she were a dog. We seriously don't know why this happened, but were glad that as she grew older, she stopped being a dog and acted more like a cat. Though, now fully a grown cat, I regret wishing her to be like a cat because I want a pet that will play fetch..... to bad she's a nap-time-all-the-time kitty(:


Rhiannon said...

Awww, what a cute cat! I like cats when they're really big and fat, and can fit through the cat flap. I think it's hilarious! I wish I had a cat like your cat.

Rhiannon said...

Not that your cat is fat, by the way. I was just describing my ideal cat.