Friday, September 30, 2011

Boredom; Stupid Kids

Since I have nothing better to do, I'm going to blog. I know, I'm lame for blogging on a Friday night, but I really don't care.

So I have nothing to really rant about besides how I have no faith in the future generation of kids. I mean, they are so retarded these days. Trying to be gangsters, they dress themselves in super baggy clothes. Not that this is super bad because I like baggy clothes, but god, these kids are like 8. Seriously, just wear normal clothes.

They also say they have weed. Do they really have nothing better to do? These kids really are annoying, and what's worse is that they know that they piss you off, so they keep freaking coming back and making stupid remarks, and yes, I get pissed off at this, mainly because kids hate me and I certainly hate them (most of them, but not all).

Ugh, and what's up with them cussing? It's worse than most people I know, and that says something. Seriously kids, keep your mouth shut you freaking pretend gangsters with your bad mouths. Meh, how I wish I could just smack them...and I'm not a horrible person for saying that because if you saw and heard what I did, then you'd understand.

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