Friday, September 9, 2011

America is like a Salad

This is an excerpt from my oratory competition piece, which I wrote on racial stereotypes.

"At the beginning of my speech, I told you I was going to explain why America is like a salad. Salad is one of the most versatile dishes on our planet. You can add anything you want to it, and the flavors will complement. Caesar dressing, on top of crunchy crutons, with some spicy black pepper. Separate pieces that work together to complement each other. It’s just like our country.

The enscription of the Statue of Liberty sums the philosophy up entirely. (quote) ““Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” (endquote).

Give me your steak-and-potatos, your challah, your okra and your gyros. Give me Chinatown and Little Italy and Suburbia.

America is one big salad. We may be different races, but we can work to complement each other."

That's all....


/ said...

I can't wait to hear the whole speech! :D

Devina said...

good luck!