Thursday, September 8, 2011


So I just got a Facebook last April, its not that recent but although its still slightly new for me, I am already addicted...

When I first made one I promised my self that I would not waste too much time on it and focus on my homework before logging on. Well that promise has been broken, which is not acceptable its pretty bad actually. I feel like the first thing I do when I get home from school is check my Facebook, the first thing I do in the morning... check my Facebook on my phone while I'm eating breakfast, what do I do throughout the day? I'm constantly checking my Facebook. And what I mean by "checking" I guess, to me, would be to see if someone messaged me, or if someone posted on my wall, commented on my pictures, and I think most importantly seeing if anyone posted anything exciting. Which most of the time it's just people complaining about their "horrible lives" which gets really annoying especially because there are people all over the world that have it 1,000 times worse, so I honestly think they should get over it.

Anyway back to my problem, I really don't understand why I'm so addicted to it, its not really that great, I like the social aspect of it. Where you can talk to people you don't always see at school so its another form of communication but what makes me feel the need to hit the refresh button every 30 seconds I don't think I will ever truly understand. In fact while writing this I have another window opened and I have stopped writing to check my profile multiple times. I know I'm not the only one who puts their life on hold to devote their time where they could be doing better, more important things to Facebook, I pretty sure everyone who has one has my same exact problem. It gets super exciting when you see the red little number pop up and telling you that you have a notification. So maybe that's what were all looking for the excitement of a new friend request, new message, new wall post. Either way, I'm going to start trying not to waste so much of my time on Facebook.

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