Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ninja Cats

I own two adorable cats of fluffiness. One of them, Cleo, is a genius cat, and the other, Cupcake, is rather simple. Cleo can push or pull open doors with her paws. Cupcake tries to stuff her face through the tiny crack in the door. Cleo can grab onto the top of cabinet doors and walk backward to open them. Cupcake just scratches at them in naive hopes that they will magically open. Cleo can climb the glass of our china cabinet to sit on top and oversee the happenings of the dining room. Cupcake stares up at her, pawing at the cabinet, wishing to know the secrets of ninjitsu.

The other day, Cupcake was staring at our hallway cupboard, willing the portal of Narnia to open, when Cleo came walking up to her. They made eye contact, clearly making a silent agreement. Cleo reached up and grabbed onto the cupboard door with her paws, and walked backwards, stepping over Cupcake. Cupcake jumped into the cupboard with gratitude as Cleo strolled away to use the litter box.

I have found a case in which Cupcake outwits Cleo however. Cleo opened the cabinet where we keep the cat treats and cunningly pushed the ziploc bag to the floor. Then, lamenting over her lack of thumbs, she stared at the bag and mewed at us humans, pleading with us to open the bag. Eventually giving up, she walked away from this pickle. Cupcake came into the kitchen, spotting the bag on the floor. With a flash of insight, she teared at the bag with her teeth, steadying it with her paw. We eventually gave both kitties treats after watching this incident. I guess everyone, even cats, have their own unique talents.

1 comment:

KainaatB said...

Haha, what cuteness! I am usually reluctant when it comes to cats but these kitties are just so cute, I cant help but like them. This also showed me that cats do stuff other than look cute and sleep all day.:)