Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Scrambled Eggs at Midnight

Lately I have been staying up later than usual to finish homework and as a result my sleep pattern has been off. I actually began reading a book in middle school called, "Scrambled Eggs at Midnight". It was one of those obscure books that talked about some girl's problems in life that I couldn't relate to and didn't try to finish. Well I hadn't thought about this book until about a month ago when I started to catch a bit of senioritis. When it gets to be around midnight, I feel as if my brain is being whisked, poured into a sizzling pan, and being cooked into chunks of scrambled eggs. My head would become a disarray, my thought process would slow down and I would feel altogether sluggish throughout the day. I have to take the blame for having bad time management skills but I wish I could find a quick cure for my laziness for at least these last few days before winter break.

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