Friday, December 2, 2011


Over break, I really really hope I don't have much homework. Most of my teachers are giving tests in these next two weeks, and in a lot of my classes I have at least three more tests to go. Well, that applies to two classes. These next two weeks are not going to be very fun, but the two and a half weeks after it will be! On the last day of the semester, me, and the friend I walk home with, are going to the Pizza Place to eat lunch, and wait for her sister (who is at Granite Oaks) to come join us, and then, after we eat, we will all walk home together. I think it will be very fun! I know them, and their dad, because we all do Karate together, and it's really nice getting to know them better.

1 comment:

Rverma said...

End of semester = low homework :D