Friday, December 16, 2011

Catcher in the Rye

What was J.D. Salinger thinking?

After only reading 30 pages into this book, I felt lost in Holden Caulfield's life. I wanted to close the book, chuck it across the room, and never again have to open it again.

I just didn't understand! What was the point of the randomness? His stream of thoughts didn't intrigue me one bit. There was barely any background so at the get go, the book was confusing.

Around the 8th or 9th chapter, I finally gain some insight on why he thinks the way he does and acts the way he does. His nonchalant punk-ish attitude isn't just by some mere coincidence but because of the death of his brother Allie. He's acting out by smashing the windows in house, flunking all his classes at Pencey, and starting fights for no apparent reason.

But still, the book was still puzzling to the mind. He just goes at night to random bars, tells the waitress he's 21, has a drink, then up and leaves? There's no meaty description or plot to that!

Maybe that's why this book is a classic though. Because of it's simple poignant writing. The writing gets down to the simple lives of a human. The raw emotions and thoughts. Maybe some can connect to that, but, as of right now, I am most definitely not connecting with this book . . . yet.

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