Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Last Blog of 2011

So, it's Tuesday evening and I didn't really have Journalism today but I was sitting at my computer stressing over Chemistry then decided that I should go write a blog so I will have more time to study tomorrow. Then I realized that once said blog was written, I would have no other blog weeks left this year. It's so weird to think that 2011 is coming to a close. This year has gone by so incredibley fast, I cannot even believe it.

On a different note I have a presentation in Language Arts tomorrow and I am terrified. I hate public speaking with a passion. In fifth grade I had to do a speech in front of my entire class and when I got up there, I forgot every single thing I was supposed to say. Little 11 year old me was mortified and ever since then I have been deathly afraid of talking in front of people. Plus, this grade is pretty much my last major grade in the class for the semester which is even more traumatizing! Ugh I hate school!

Anyways I should probably get back to Chemistry now considering all I am doing at the moment is procrastinating. Dear Christmas Break, please come sooner. Goodbye Blogs of 2011 forever.

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