Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Speech and debate's always on my mind, so here's another ramble about it.

I love Speech and Debate, and Mock Trial, and all my speaking activities. I really really do. I don't think people get that about me. I feel most alive when I'm in front of a crowd, when I'm enjoying the adreneline rush from knowing that my words have meaning. It makes me feel (this sounds so cliche) magical. I feel like my words are powerful. I've been doing a dramati interpretation of a Holocaust clown, and I swear, there is nothing as awesome as when you see your audience get visibly creeped out by your interpretation. One of my rounds, I saw this girl give me the most freaked out look EVER! It was so funny. I've consistantly broken, both in varsity and in novice, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the season.

1 comment:

Rverma said...

Good job penguinita.