Thursday, September 24, 2009


So the UC tuition will most likely go up more than 30%. This is such a big price hike, and a lot of people are extremely upset, like the current UC students. With the state budget issues, it was expected that the prices would rise. But this seems like a LOT more than expected. Or at least a lot more than what I was thinking. But I guess in the long run, it will hopefully pay off. Students just need to decide whether or not their education at a UC is worth paying that much more. On the other hand, it seems like private schools are helping more with tuition costs. Maybe it just seems that way because all of the public schools are rising. But it does appear that the private schools are being gernerous and understanding about the financial issues so many people face.
I definitely still plan on applying to UCs, as well as the private schools. I just have to consider scholarships, and loans, and saving money, much more. But really, I was planning on doing all of these things anyway, and now I will be that much more motivated to find ways to save.

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

Welcome to California in 2009. It's a great system, but let's face it, the state is struggling. Might get worse. cn