Monday, September 14, 2009

Maid Of Honor.

So, this weekend was fun. I went up to Mt. Shasta where my grandparents live and spent the weekend up there with my family. We spent all day saturday up there, and went quading in the meadow thats behind my grandparents house. We came back sunday and got into rocklin around noon. And then we had to go meet my sister at David's Bridal because she's getting married in May. All afternoon i was trying on bridesmaid dresses, and my sister was trying on wedding dresses, and she looked beautiful. Im really happy for her and the guy that shes getting married to is really nice, and treats her like a princess. Although im kinda nervous for her wedding because im her maid of honor and i have to make a speech in front of over 170 people. And knowing me..... ill probably trip walking down the isle.

1 comment:

victoria said...

no worries! you have time to practice :) lol I love weddings!