Thursday, September 24, 2009

Getting the Hang of It..

After like a month and I don't really know how long now, I'm finally starting to adjust to this school of yours. Its about a hundred more times strict though! I got 6 hours of detention for random tardies when I was only 3 seconds late to class. In addition to that, I still got a load of make up homework all the way up to my neck. However, I finally met some friends and I don't feel like a total loner anymore. The lunch here is better too, you guys got REAL meat.

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

The meat comment made me laugh, but hang in there. You had a tough change... now make it the best you can. There's a reason were tough, in general higher expectations help you reach higher goals. Doesn't mean we like 'em all, however. cn