Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Superbowl!

So this Sunday is the superbowl and although it may surprise you I am not even about to lie about it. I am extrodinarily excited! I never pay much attention to football, that is except for one team. The Steelers!
A major component of why I am a fan of the Steelers is due to the fact that I was born in Pennsylvania, Butler to be specific. Which is aproximately a half an hour outside of Pittsburg, the city which the Steelers play for.
Over Christmas break I went to Pennsylvania and I was astounded at the spirit the fans have and express during the games. Ideally I would like to go back to my home town to watch the game, but seeing that is not happening if you are trying to find me on Sunday I will be watching the game :) If they lose, may you be warned I will be in a bad mood next week.
Go steelers!!!!

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