Friday, January 9, 2009


NNOOOOOO why am i always late to school now? Something has got to be wrong with my alarm because twice in one week is kind of bad. and i dont even feel any less tired in the morning. I cant even tell if im just sleeping through the alarms or if they actually arent going off. if im sleeping through them, i have no idea what im gonna do since ive already set three different ones to wake me up in the morning.
ive got to figure it out, but right now i dont think its effecting my grade too too much. maybe in a week.
aww, i just realized im probably getting detention right now.


Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad, I have to set multiple alarms too.

Anonymous said...

aww~ dont feel bad T_T I have a alarm rite next to my ears fo lyk an hr or so everyday... xDDD

KryptoChicken said...

I have the alarm right in my ear every morning and it is tuned to the Rob Arnie and Dawn who is very unfunny show and that is how I wake up every morning.

KryptoChicken said...

I said Rob Arnie and Dawn is not funny on accident. It is funny as heck! Except for Dawn. She annoys me.