Saturday, September 15, 2012

WE'RE NOT DATING. And other news.

Dear friends,

Just killing/putting to rest some rumors floating around about me! DON'T BELIEVE WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT ME.

I realized this week that about 3/5 of the school are secretly (or blatantly) shipping (slang for wishing that said persons were romantically interconnected) Rahul and I, and the other 2/5 don't know us. These people include students, alumni, people who don't go to RHS but I work with and RHS students communicate with, teachers (Oh my god...), lots of coaches, and assorted others. Pets, siblings, politicians, etc.

Oh, silly people. Raha and I are but the best of friends and not dating. So, although I appreciate the attention, you can stop make Amanda and Rahul 2013 signs.

But we are the best of friends, and luckily for you all, neither of us are worried enough to deal with this rumor directly, so we've gotten used to being coupled. Sort of like Harry Potter and Luna Lovegood. Everyone loves them together, but Harry belongs with Ginny, and Luna Lovegood is too fabulous for his The-Boy-Who-Lived act, so they're not going out and won't be. Sorry to crush the fandom! Though I will agree that Rahul and I are pretty fabulous best friends, and we'll post lots of pictures from HC.

Rahul, when you read this, know that I love you more than anyone so don't worry about people gossiping about us, and we're friends and we both know that, so it's not big deal! And stop allowing these rumors to continue!

On another note, life's been pretty good recently. I won a big award today from Assemblywoman Beth Gaines and that was cool. My self esteem will be up for a while, so if you want something, you should ask me now. It's like the stock market! SELL WHILE IT'S HIGH, PEOPLE! And I am #9 in my stocks which makes me happy as well. Anyway, hope your lives are beautiful, etc etc. Stay ordinary, you plebeians.



1 comment:

aubrey22 said...

Amanda I had an itch that you would say something about that. Even though I don't know you well I was pretty sure you and Rahul were not together. Have fun at HC!
BTW, loved LOVED the HP reference. Luna is way too good for him ;)