Friday, September 28, 2012

Mornings With Juli

So yep. I'm kinda bored right now. I should be getting ready for this laborious day ahead of me, but let's face it:  I don't wanna.

I don't want to go to AP Psych as I know where the conversation will steer.... Let's just say that sex conversations are boring. Sometimes I wish I could tell some people in my class to ask Mr. Google (not that Sturgeon isn't like Google), but Sturgeon's time is precious. That AP test ain't gonna change it's date. And if all I'm learning about is stuff from sixth grade and sophomore family life, then I'm gonna start tuning out. Silver day is so much ahead of kinda sucks.

Anyways, I'm really happy to see that people like my little opinion about the dress code. Having been personally complimented by the admin, I must say that was a happiness-booster. :)

What's not a happiness-booster:  I don't think I did my homework....

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