Thursday, September 27, 2012

Common Interests

For the past couple of weeks, I found myself being less and less involved in my friends activities and discussions. I have two groups of friends and each one is entirely different from the other. One discusses classes and school, while the other one talks about life and movies and, well, other really fun stuff including anime and math. 

Usually, I sit with the group that talks about life, because they are more involved in their conversations and they bring random topics in to freshen the atmosphere. Today, however, I sat with the other group, and although it wasn't awkward at all, I still felt like we weren't having that much of a conversation and I was tempted to go back to the other group. But then the BAM came. Literally. Okay, well, nothing physically went BAM, but it was a mental one.

This group doesn't normally chat about the fun stuff, but at about lunch time, we started discussing TV shows and episodes quite quickly. I found that 3 of my friends had now started watching one of my favorite show, BONES, as well as some ABC Family shows that had gotten canceled over the summer. With this being our catalyst in conversations, we immediately bonded again, discussing what we liked about the shows, our reasons for it, where it last went off of, why the characters did this and that... etc. I was freakin happy!!! For once, I got to feel like a kid again, discussing the stupid and fun things in life. Yeah, I just said that. I haven't felt like a kid in so long, and for me to just be able to sit back and have a conversation of pure "fluff" was the most amazing thing to me. 

I know where I am sitting from now on in my lunch time :)

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