Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Words

So, last sunday I went to go see The Words. There are not enough words to explain how it connects to my emotions or how deep the message really goes. The MAIN story is focused on a man that stole a story, and has to live with the reprocussions of his choice. The little story beneath that is of a guilty man who threw away his life love for a story (the same story the other man stole) that helped him get over a pain. And THAT whole story (those two stories within each other) is within the main little story about an author that reads his book (The Words) and how he has to face the choice he presents in the book. He must then choose: Real Life or Ficitonal Life?

This movie spoke to me because it discussed the real fears that plague aspiring atuhors and teh confessions that come after the actions of desperate  people and their greedy wantings. I can safely say that this movie won't speak to people in a deep way if they aren't connected to it in the way the characters are, but it is still a movie wtih profound messages and emotions that run deep to anyone who watches it. I recommend this movie to ANYONE. It was truly excellent :) I want to go watch it again!

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