Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Stop harassing me!

We're not dating!

My life is starting to pile up unbearably. I haven't gotten home till around 8:45 every night for a while, and it's starting to really grate on my nerves. I can't remember the last time I actually sat down and ate food that my family made together. Too much takeout, too much random eating, too much.It's just, life's really starting to go full force, and though I love all I am achieving, I feel like I'm slightly losing it. Just getting a little bit mental, wooooohoooo! The Flash needs to get done ASAP...It stresses me out that everyone thinks Rahul and I are dating because we're not, and it's a damper on our friendship a little bit. You know what I really hate? BOOK CENSORSHIP! And physics. But I do like money, and achievement, and reading, and my friends, and awards, and things that I feel are important. But I really wish that I could relax a little bit more. I think things will settle down soon, but I've thought that for a year and a half and it hasn't happened yet.

All in all, I'm just a stressed out Molotov cocktail girl.


Shelby B. said...

awww amanda ):
you need a hug

Liz said...

Oh Amanda :(
Well, at least you're getting your anger out. Yes, life gets hectic. But hey, if anyone out there is capable of holding it all together and making it look good, it's you :) So just rant girl! You deserve it after all you've done. And yeah, I know how much that puts a damper on a friendship. But trust me, it will blow over soon. Give it time. It will get better :)