Wednesday, September 26, 2012


OMG. WHY?! WHY? Anybody wanna tell me why it is that everybody gots to have somethin' goin' on during my birthday weekend? Luis and Antonia are gonna be in Texas, Luis has a wedding that day, David and Daniel don't wanna surprise me, my bro be movin' to Arizona... WHAT A MESS!

This totally sucks. The only weekend that my birthday shows up on is the day that everybody is just like, "Nope. I have something to do." It makes my heart ache.... :( Sad panda.

Apparently, I look like Luis. How? I have no idea. First off, Luis ain't Asian, he's like a thousand shades darker than I am, and yea... It doesn't make sense to me. If it's not that, then I get mistaken for being his girlfriend since I'm always just kinda there... I dunno anymore.

Oh story-time. Yesterday I had to get pizza. So an Indian family walks in right before me. And the worker gives them a dirty look the ENTIRE time. I was thinking, obviously someone has a problem. Not only that, but she freakin' gives them an attitude. I really wish I could just tell her to get off her stoopid high horse because she works at a pizza place. (Not that I'm sayin' that job sucks or anything). Even when I was ordering, she still was staring at the family. And then she gave me an attitude as well. What is this girl's problem? This town's big enough for more than just YOU.

Thank you Patrick for getting me hooked on phonics. Haha, just kiddin'. However, I did get hooked on Starbucks. This time for reals. I had it two days in a row and today I didn't get it, so now I'm all kinda jittery and am REALLY CRAVING FOR WHATEVER THEY MADE FOR ME. Oh, so delicious.

I tried killing a bug this morning. It had ninja reflexes. It was in-between the cracks in the sidewalk and then it would walk out. Just when my foot slams on the ground, it somehow manages to creep back in the crack. (I tried to kill it because I was afraid it would follow me back into my house. Haha, yes, I have those thoughts.)

Somebody. Please. Spend your Saturday, October 6, with me, in celebeartion (haha to random allusions) of my sweet seventeenth birthday. Totally not having a birthday party. Willing to move it to Sunday or Friday. I just need something to do. I have no life.

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