Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What I've learned about dating from watching the Bachelor/Bachelorette

Just kidding. I haven't learned anything except that I love these shows!!!!! What is it about them that make them so entertaining?? Well for me it's 1) all the hot guys 2) I'm a hopeless romantic 3) people making fools of themselves 4) it helps me feel better about my life? So this season, I'm not sure how I feel about Emily. She's beautiful, but sometimes I feel like she acts like a bimbo. And stop being so serious!!! She rarely ever laughs or smiles and all she ever says on her dates is, "You're so cute!" or "I'm excited!" and all she ever talks about is her daughter. We get you have a daughter but let's hope you have more interesting things about you than that. My favorite is Jeff! and the mysterious and sexy Nate who hasn't gotten any air time yet... Lovelovelovelovelovelovelove this show!!!!!


Franchesca said...

I love Jef! He is so adorable!

RHS Flash said...


Taylor said...

Doug is totally my favorite! I also agree that this show is totally addicting, probably because of all the drama. If you are like Ryan on the show, you will learn how to get more camera time. hahaha :)